Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Currently July

Woh!  It's been far too long since I did a Currently.  But now I'm back and linking up with Farley for Currently July:

My AC is on and it makes one of our vents rattle...  Super nice when you're watching tv...  I tried to fix it once and it lasted for a month but then started again.  Time to get the tools back out!

I just started watching Entourage and am loving it!  I'm in season 2.  It's so ridiculous sometimes, but awesome.  It's my summer guilty pleasure.

I'm so excited about next year.  This past year was ROUGH because both the kids and the principal BUT they just announced our new principal today and I am so excited! It's going to be a great year and we can start rebuilding our school family.

Ice cream.  All the time.  I pretty much always want ice cream.  I have an ice cream maker and I have started making it more often in the last 2 months.  I'm a rockstar at vanilla, chocolate, and mint chocolate chip.  DELICIOUS! 

The humidity here in DC is OUT OF CONTROL.  It's terrible!  I need it to calm down.  My hair needs it to calm down.  ugh

All Star
I feel like I'm a great math teacher.  It was always my favorite subject and I love teaching it.  I'm teaching math for summer school.  I also cowrote the summer school math curriculum for our kinders. :-)  (it feels weird talking about myself like that)

Thanks for stopping by!  Head back over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade for more Currently fun! 


  1. Oh my Gosh- Entourage!!! I spent one summer watching the entire series!! Love it! I can't wait to see the movie! I'm kind of jealous that you have an ice cream maker. I've been on a diet for the entire summer and all I've wanted is ice cream! So I'm with you on wanting it all the time. :)

    I'm glad I found your blog on the "Currently" link up- I can't wait to read more!

    Yee-Haw in Kindergarten

    1. That is SO what my summer is going to be :-) Thanks for stopping by Marisa!


  2. Hi Heather! Not sure if you got my reply but I still plan on having a linky party next week! I just posted all about it. Hopefully you will be able to link up!

    Bits of First Grade
