Sunday, January 12, 2014

Peek at My Week- Continuing Winter

Another Sunday, another lesson plan day!  Linking up with Deedee at Mrs. Will's Kindergarten to share the plans!
 We are continuing our winter theme this week and will be working with nonstandard measurement, which is perfect because Deedee has the perfect winter themed nonstandard measurement activity as part of her Baby It's Cold Outside Literacy and Math Stations.
Baby It's Cold Outside-Winter Literacy and Math Stations-CC

In writing we are making an All About Water book!  It will be the first All About book we do.  Last week we learned all about water and wrote facts and now we will use that book to write our All About book.  I love this unit of writing.  Should be fun!  We are also doing some sink and float experiments to close out our water learning, which the kiddos always love.  I'll share some pics on Friday.

Here are the plans.  On Tuesday we have the ever dreaded wonderful winter concert! (I was in band in elementary school- I know we were terrible... I just don't know how my parents sat through the concerts!)  And on Wednesday I'll be out for mid-year PALS testing.

 If you'd like a copy you can get it HERE.  And you can get the Word document with the links HERE.  (if you follow me you know that I am struggling with my PDFs having clickable picture with links... Ugh)

Hope you all have a good week!  Jump back over to Mrs. Will's Kindergarten to see more lesson plans!


  1. I love the KDA testing at an iPad center...might just have to steal that:-)

  2. I love your blog! Just found your blog through a linky party. I am your newest follower!
    Kindergarten Milestones
