Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dream Fund and Tracking Word Sort Progress

I am VERY lucky to work in a district that encourages teachers to dream big and rewards us for doing so! Every year our district offers up a Dream Fund.  Up to $5,000 to spend on items for the classroom, field trips, supplies for projects- whatever your heart desires!  It's quite amazing! 

Now, it's not just apply and you get money.  You have to write up a whole proposal and how it will effect student learning.  Then, IF you are selected you have to document how your money is used, collect data, create a poster about it, and write a thank you letter to the board.  

Last year I was lucky to win $798.42 for 2 listening centers along with a number of books on cd! (why I asked for 2 I have no idea... free money I suppose? BUT now my neighbor across the hall gets to use one!)

This year I got lucky AGAIN!!  I was SUPER excited about this one!  "Phonics Fun for All" was the name of my proposal.  I was awarded $353.24 to buy all sorts of sorts!  Beginning sound, ending sound, vowels, blends, etc, etc, etc!  Here is what I got:

Beginning Sound Picture Sorts

Beginning, ending, vowel, and beginning blend picture sorts

All sorts of sorts!
Train Sorts, Picture books to highlight certain phonemic ideas, songs/poems on cd
Can you believe all that?!?!  It's SUPER easy now to check out what book I'm using for guided reading and then turn around and pull out some sorts to go with it for word work! AMAZING!! These things have transformed my guided reading time- seriously!  If you are interested in finding out more info about any of these leave a comment or email thelandofican@gmail.com.  

My data collection is happening this way: 
 This was one of the books I had for one of my masters classes last year- most useful class yet!!!  I gave each child a spelling test to see what they should be working on in word study.  Go figure- ALL my children (except my super high friend) were reading and writing on the same level.  (my super high friend was a little lower with his writing)  Now they are focusing on the types of sorts they need to move them along with both reading and writing.  I will be giving another spelling test soon (this week!?) so I have some data from the middle.  I am loving it! Super easy and VERY informative. If you want more info about any of this please comment or email. :-)

Happy Teaching!

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