Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Peek at my Week- Spring Fever!

It's Sunday! That means linking up with Deedee at Mrs. Will's Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week!
I don't know if it's the prospect of nice weather, the fact that it's Spring, or the knowledge that Spring Break is only 2 weeks away, BUT I am VERY excited for my plans this week!! (NERD alert!!)   Everything Spring is hitting my room.  Last spring was when I started buying a ton of themed stuff on TPT and laminating it all to keep it pretty so most of my activities are already set and I LOVE that feeling!

 Something Exciting:
We are going to start piloting a new literacy website this week with our kiddos- Lexia Reading Core5.  If we like it our principal is going to try to purchase it for us for next year.  It sounds really cool! 

The idea is that when the students first log on they take a "diagnostic test" which feels like a game to them.  It then tells you what the student needs to focus on, loads activities for them, changes the activities based on how well they do (all in real time), and gives reports to teachers based on all of this information.  It also provides guided lessons and worksheets based on the skills the kids are working on (all individualized of course).  SO- it sounds really cool and I will start using it this week and will update you guys next week on how they are liking it.

I need some Spring art projects in my life, so we will do the following this week:
Coffee Filter Flowers to bring a little color into our classroom! You can check it out HERE.

Rainbow Eruptions! Not so much an art project but it will certainly be awesome! You can find the info HERE.

Make beautiful rainbow eruptions with baking soda and vinegar - exciting for kids and grown ups alike!

Here are the plans:

You can grab them HERE and the doc with the links HERE.

I hope you have a wonderful spring week!  Head back over to Mrs. Will's Kindergarten for more ideas.  Happy Teaching!

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