Sunday, February 28, 2016

Peek at my Seusstastic Week!

Happy Sunday! I'm finally back to posting plans and REALLY looking forward to our rhyme filled week. Linking up with Deedee from Mrs. Will's Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week!

 So, of course we are filling every day this week with Dr. Seuss books! There will be so much rhyming going on this week that my students will have no choice but to learn how to do it ;-) One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books that's not considered a "classic" is If I Ran The Zoo:
It's so fun to read, especially really really fast- the kids crack up! And the animals in it are really funny and interesting. This book just happens to be Kindergarten's theme for Hall Decorating this year (my idea!) and I cannot wait to show you pictures!!  The animals are hilarious! 

In other news- I have my first conference presentation on Friday- AHHHHH!!!
I am soooo not ready and need to prepare to talk for an hour! It's about differentiation in math- whole group, small group, and independent centers... Hoping it goes well!

Here are the plans:

Hope you have a great great week filled with rhyming fun! And send me happy thoughts on Friday ;-) Happy Teaching!!

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