Sunday, September 28, 2014

Peek at my Week- Back to the Basics

Wow!  I haven't been on here since September 1!!  Back when I didn't know my students yet and had so much hope for the year... Well my friends, the first 19 days of school have been trying, difficult, stressful, etc, etc, etc.... It has taken a Herculean effort, and maybe one minor breakdown in the back of my classroom, (and maybe a lot of adult beverages on the weekends) to get through the first four weeks!  

So, in hopes of being out of this funk and on to better times, I am linking up with Deedee from Mrs. Will's Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week!
 So my troubles mentioned above have stemmed from 1 student.  And the actions of this 1 student have effected how the rest of my class has done with our classroom rules and routines.  My assistant principal even commented on how it must be killing me back at the beginning of the 2nd week of school, because she knows how much of a stickler I am for routine and having them set and ready to learn.  WELL, now is the time to reset it all!  We are going to review everything like it is the first week of school.  Expectations will be high and I KNOW things will get better!

In other news we are starting Apples this week, but are catching up on so many other things that we will start apples this week but will really hit it hard next week!  I do have positive things to share, but I'll save it for another day.  AND maybe I'll even have energy for a 5 for Friday post this week!  

Here are the plans:

Here's to a good week friends!  Make sure you jump back over to Mrs. Will's Kindergarten for more plans.  Happy Teaching!

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